What do Burglars Look For?

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What Do Burglars Look For in a House?

Could burglars be marking your home down as a good target, without you even being aware? If the thought alone is enough to worry you, read on. With burglaries now hitting pre-pandemic levels once more, statistics show that an intruder enters a property every 106 seconds in the UK. It’s a scary thought, which is why the 1st Choice Security Systems team has come up with 5 ways to secure your home against burglars.

1. Always Lock Your Doors and Windows

Sounds like a no-brainer, doesn’t it? But you’d be amazed at the number of families that forget to check these vital entry points before leaving the house. Burglars will always try windows and doors before forcing entry, because an unlocked window is a gift. Get your family into the habit of checking doors back and front, and every window, upstairs and down, before going out.

2. Secure Your Garage as Well as Your House

What do you keep in your garage? Your car/s? Bikes? Tools? Every one of them a prime target for burglars, and yet garages are well-know to be easy access points. And, of course, once the burglar is in the garage, they’re likely to have access to the whole house. Make sure that your garage doors are high-quality, fitted with good locking devices, and always locked when you’re not in there.

3. Avoid Posting Your Holiday Plans on Social Media

Sharing your summer holiday, or weekend break plans on Instagram or Facebook provides burglars with a few dates to pop in their diary. What could be better than knowing that a family will be away for a few days, giving you plenty of time to plan your operation? Take care to have privacy controls on your social media accounts or, best of all, share your plans in person.

4. Don’t Provide Natural Cover in Your Garden

Burglars favour houses with gardens displaying plenty of foliage, and overhanging trees. It allows them plenty of cover when approaching or leaving your home. There’s a simple solution to this problem – which doesn’t involve clearing out your garden. Install residential CCTV in areas that are most attractive to intruders. In most cases, the fact that CCTV is installed is enough to put opportunist burglars off.

5. Don’t Make Life Easy for Criminals

A professionally installed intruder alarm for your home remains the best way to deter burglars. A bells only system will make a lot of noise if someone gains entry, but a high-quality monitored system gives you peace of mind that the police will attend your home if it is triggered. Many home security systems now include sensors which can be installed on windows and doors.

Working With 1st Choice Security Systems

1st Choice engineers make your family’s security their priority. We work across Bedfordshire, and will always offer a free security audit on your home which will pinpoint all the vulnerabilities and allow us to recommend to you a comprehensive solution you can rely on.

1st Choice Security Systems understands how important it is to be able trust security installers working in your home. All our engineers are DBS checked, SafeContractor approved, and SSAIB approved. We use a job management system to ensure maximum efficiency and we work to the ISO2001-2015 standard.

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In need of CAMESAFE CCTV systems?

Our CAMESAFE Installers have vast knowledge and experience to be able to offer the required security solutions and automation safety for all our security systems.


Now you know what burglars look for, would you like to speak to a 1st Choice engineer about installing a residential alarm, or CCTV? Call us today on 0800 1182414


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